Casa de Judá – House of Judah, this is the name the Lord gave for the casita (little house) in Guaro. It means, House of Praise. This project is an Elim approved work and part of HK International a registered Charity in Spain.

The Lord chose this piece of land for His work. It is rural, with a river at the bottom and a stream that passes through the land. Elim Missionaries, Howard and Sue oversee this project, and this is its story so far. There is an abundance of trees, including, olives, almonds, oranges, etc. It is natural with little evidence of today’s mod cons, there are just enough to ensure a reasonably easy and comfortable visit. In a similar manner to Abraham who had no idea where the Lord was leading him to when he was told to ‘go’, the Lord called us to sell our home to purchase some land for His purposes. He gave Howard a dream and when we saw this piece of land in Guaro it was the same as in the dream which gave us the assurance that we were correct to purchase. This is His vision, and we only see a glimpse.

We have seen Him bless people there already with His peace that rests upon us when we take time there with Him. It’s a place of refreshing, a place of being close to Jesus´ presence. We have seen Him bless with salvation, seen Him baptise quite a few with the Holy Spirit. It is a place to have an intimate time with our God.
It consists of a small off grid campo house with a large room with a kitchen, eating, sitting, and sleeping facilities and has a separate, fully functioning bathroom. It is equipped with solar panel lighting and a generator 220v electrical power when needed. The water comes from a natural spring and is pumped into a tank above the house for washing.

Drinking water is from bottled water which is brought to the house. It will when complete be a beautiful, peaceful place, a haven of peace and quiet to be with God our Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. A place to be filled with the sound of praise, thanksgiving, and worship. A place where people can contemplate the Word of God, pray, read God´s word, enjoy His creation and have fun.

We have had groups of young adults both English and Spanish speaking from different countries from around the world that have been blessed with words of knowledge and received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, those struggling being enabled to pray in tongues during times of praise and prayer and ministry, we are sure that many more will come here and will receive from the Lord.
We plan that the next phase of development will be completed by the beginning of summer 2024. A short-term mission trip could entail. • It is a perfect place to participate in bible study, prayer, praise, worship. • To receive personal ministry and healing. • To enjoy God’s creation by helping on the land. • Prayer walking the inland towns and villages. • Relaxing in the beauty of God’s creation, Enjoying some of the local activities that are available.